Creating a Psychologically Safe Culture for You and Your Co-Workers

Enhance workplace well-being with our course on creating a psychologically safe culture. Learn essential strategies to foster trust and support among your team.


Construction is an industry where careful attention, discipline, diligence, and defined behaviors within a structured safety management system are critical to preventing or mitigating risk by reducing the probability and severity of possible injuries.

Most of us know that there are Occupational Health and Safety rules and regulations in place that are intended to protect workers' physical health.   You may have even served on an Occupational Health and Safety Committee.  

During this session, you will expand your knowledge and understanding of identifying psychological risk factors at work and minimizing possible injuries. We will also explore the steps to take to mitigate injuries if they occur and what resources are available.

A psychologically safe work environment promotes both physical and psychological well-being.  It is fundamental to create a space where people feel they belong by being inclusive of diverse perspectives and experiences.  Concentration and contribution also increase. A safe culture enables us to bring our strengths to work that helps achieve stronger teamwork and improved innovation, without the fear of taking reasonable risks.  Workers are open, connected, and willing to help for the team's betterment.

The best working environment is achieved when psychological safety is woven throughout the system: from senior leadership to the relationships and climate between working colleagues.  This interactive session will introduce different definitions and applications of psychological safety models, as they exist today in the working world.  We will also explore the influence you have or can have on promoting a psychologically safe environment.   

We will discuss: 

  • The National Standards of Psychological Health and Safety in Canada including:
    • Identifying the 13 psychological risk factors
    • How the Standards form a safety management system 
  • Maximizing team success by creating a psychologically safe working environment
  • Nurturing psychological safety between co-workers
  • Steps to take when you do not feel safe
  • Available resources and supports

Important Note: 

We encourage active participation in this workshop, which involves interactive elements such as polls, word clouds, multiple-choice questions, and the ability to submit questions to the presenters. To ensure a safe and confidential space, we want to highlight that you will have the option to interact with us anonymously using the interactive platform Slido.

Your privacy and comfort are of utmost importance, and we want to create an environment where everyone feels free to engage openly. If you have any concerns or questions about anonymity or the interactive features, please feel free to reach out to the ICBA Training Team at


Disclaimer: The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.  


Delivery Method:  Virtual Session – Zoom Webinar   

Course Fee Includes:Access to the course, course materials, and upon completion a digital certificate if requested.  


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Who Should Attend

This workshop is ideal for managers, team leaders, HR professionals, and anyone committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Technical Requirements

  1. Computer or laptop 

    • This course will involve on-screen interaction with your instructor and classmates, reading/viewing on-screen content (slides or videos), and interacting via typing with questions or responses. For this reason, cellphones may not be adequate. 

    • Windows 10 or Mac iOS  

  1. Internet connection - For best results, you will want to ensure you have an internet connection with an upload/download speed of 3-5 Mbps. You can test your internet speed here. Minimum recommended speed is 1.5 Mbps, but anything below 3 Mbps may result in loss of quality or buffering. Ideally hardwired connection versus wireless for stability - connect your computer directly to your router using an ethernet cable, rather than using your home wi-fi.  

  1. A quiet space with minimal distractions - microphone will be engaged for interactive sessions. Please plan to be fully engaged in the class and clear your work schedule just as you would for the in-class program.    

  1. Comfortable chair  

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