Framing Commercial Agreements with Indigenous Partners

Build successful and respectful partnerships with our course on framing commercial agreements with Indigenous partners. Gain valuable insights and practical skills to create mutually beneficial agreements.


Strengthen your business relationships with Indigenous partners in British Columbia with this webinar presented by a Partner from Clark Wilson LLP. Learn about common contractual arrangements, including impact benefit agreements and equity partnerships, to create mutually beneficial agreements while addressing key issues like employment.

Developing and maintaining good relationships with Indigenous partners is crucial to doing business in British Columbia. Contracting with Indigenous partners is no different than contracting with any other entity – Nations and Nation-owned entities will have their own unique motivations and interests, which will need to be balanced against what the partner business is trying to achieve. As with any other partner, exploring those interests and motivations, and negotiating a mutually beneficial arrangement is key. This course will explore a few common contractual arrangements between Indigenous and Indigenous-owned partners and non-Indigenous businesses and touch on some of the themes common to those arrangements.

Course Topics:

  • Contracting with a First Nation versus a First-Nation-owned company
  • Impact benefit agreements
  • Addressing side issues, including employment
  • Contractual partnerships and equity arrangements

Disclaimer: The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.  


Delivery Method: Virtual Session – Zoom Webinar 

Course Fee Includes: Access to the course, course materials, and a digital certificate upon completion. 


This course is delivered in partnership with local and provincial construction associations across Canada. You may be participating with a group of industry peers from multiple regions.

Sharing a single registration between two or more individuals is not permitted. Please register each person that will be in attendance.



There are no prerequisites for this session.

Who Should Attend

This session is ideal for business leaders, legal professionals, contract managers, and anyone involved in developing partnerships with Indigenous communities.

Technical Requirements

  1. Computer or laptop 

    • This course will involve on-screen interaction with your instructor and classmates, reading/viewing on-screen content (slides or videos), and interacting via typing with questions or responses. For this reason, cellphones may not be adequate. 

    • Windows 10 or Mac iOS  

  1. Internet connection - For best results, you will want to ensure you have an internet connection with an upload/download speed of 3-5 Mbps. You can test your internet speed here. Minimum recommended speed is 1.5 Mbps, but anything below 3 Mbps may result in loss of quality or buffering. Ideally hardwired connection versus wireless for stability - connect your computer directly to your router using an ethernet cable, rather than using your home wi-fi.  

  1. A quiet space with minimal distractions - microphone will be engaged for interactive sessions. Please plan to be fully engaged in the class and clear your work schedule just as you would for the in-class program.    

  1. Comfortable chair  

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