Practical Tools for Less Stress and More Joy Over the Holidays

Join us for this practical, neuroscience-based look at why this can be hard for many people and some simple tools you can implement to bring less stress and more joy to your Holiday Season.


The Holiday Season is often a mixed bag of emotions for many people. On one hand, every family has many traditions and ways to celebrate the season that make it special. On the other hand, the season is filled with stressors: long lines, busy traffic, too many social events for some, loneliness for others, buying gifts yet being conscious of overspending, eating, and drinking too much, and the stress that can result when families come together. All on top of the usual race to the "finish line" at work. It's a lot.

What We’ll Cover:

  • Understand the neuroscience behind holiday stress and its impact on well-being.
  • Identify common stressors during the holiday season.
  • Learn practical tools and techniques to manage stress and increase joy.
  • Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness to navigate holiday challenges more effectively.
  • Foster meaningful connections and relationships during the holiday season.
  • Develop strategies for maintaining balance and self-care amidst the busyness of the holidays.

Join us for this practical, neuroscience-based look at why this can be hard for many people and some simple tools you can implement to bring less stress and more joy to your Holiday Season.

Important Note: 

We encourage active participation in this workshop, which involves interactive elements such as polls, word clouds, multiple-choice questions, and the ability to submit questions to the presenters. To ensure a safe and confidential space, we want to highlight that you will have the option to interact with us anonymously using the interactive platform Slido.

Your privacy and comfort are of utmost importance, and we want to create an environment where everyone feels free to engage openly. If you have any concerns or questions about anonymity or the interactive features, please feel free to reach out to the ICBA Training Team at


Disclaimer:The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.


Delivery Method:  Virtual Session – Zoom Webinar   

Course Fee Includes: Access to the course, course materials, and upon completion a digital certificate if requested.  


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Who Should Attend

This session was designed for anyone who wants a better understanding of mental health and wellness. 

Technical Requirements

  1. Computer or laptop

    • This course will involve on-screen interaction with your instructor and classmates, reading/viewing on-screen content (slides or videos), and interacting via typing with questions or responses. For this reason, cellphones may not be adequate

    • Windows 10 or Mac iOS. 

  1. Webcam (Mandatory) – in order to engage and collaborate, participants will be expected to have their webcams on for the duration of the class

  2. Microphone (Mandatory)

  3. Internet connection- For best results, you will want to ensure you have an internet connection with an upload/download speed of 3-5 Mbps. You can test your internet speed here. The minimum recommended speed is 1.5 Mbps, but anything below 3 Mbps may result in loss of quality or buffering. Ideally hardwired connection versus wireless for stability - connect your computer directly to your router using an ethernet cable, rather than using your home wi-fi.

  4. A quiet space with minimal distractions –The microphone will be engaged for interactive sessions. Please plan to be fully engaged in the class and clear your work schedule just as you would for the in-class program.

  5. Comfortable chair


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